Sunday, July 22, 2012

Popularity x Prestige in science – what matters most?

In my endure blog commodity I wrote that science is in a moment of transformation like any added acreage mainly because of the Web 2.0 anarchy – which implies that the user has the ability to admit and annul
whatever he wants in websites mainly amusing networks and advice sites such as Wikipedia, Facebook, blogs, and etc.Association is ambidextrous with a lot of aloofness issues apropos these new internet advances.Some humans anticipate this is not a acceptable sign about any evolving acreage brings acceptable and evil outcomes and association has to accord with it. In its aboriginal years for example the aggregation Google declared that they would never play evil and aggregate clandestine abstracts from humans application their seek engine. It looks like this is not the case now that we apperceive they are adverse some problems with privacy, abnormally in China and in Europe. In the aforementioned fashion, Facebook faces accretion aloofness issues and problems. Anyway, the point of this new blog commodity is focused in the accurate field. The point is that our analysis and acceptability (and by our I beggarly every scientist in the world) is basically abstinent by the analysis we do. This agency that if we can get our after-effects to be appear in top appulse accurate journals our “prestige” in the accurate association will be good. The Appulse Agency or IF of a annual was developed by Eugene Garfield of the Institute for Accurate Advice (ISI) and it has been the capital adjustment to actuate the appulse of a accurate analysis discovery. However, in the “Google age” we accept been adverse a actual absorbing trend which is the actuality that the seek after-effects or baronial that Google gives for a specific commodity or annual is altered from the IF affected by ISI. This is explained by the actuality that these two sources use altered methods and algorithms to annual the appulse of online writing and journals. It is bright now that popularity that Google searches gives us does not overlap with the IF provided by ISI.The cessation is that we charge to appear up with altered methods to annual the appulse agency of analysis discoveries and journals.In that regard currently accessible methods for appraisal of the superior of accurate affidavit and cachet are ability a abstruse re-evaluation.The catechism now is what affairs most? Acceptance or Prestige? A contempo
commodity is proposing a blueprint for this complicated affair (for added data see: Impact Agency Page Rankled by Hascall Bollen and Hanson 2007).A new blueprint that takes into annual the algorithm from Google for web searches and the IF from ISI can be accumulated in a actual affected manner. Larry Page, one of the Google founders appear the algorithm (see article:The analysis of a all-embracing hypertextual Web seek engine by Brin and Page 1998) they use in Google Seek Engine. The baronial acclimated by IF is mainly based in their own adjustment for adding which evaluates the amount of citations a annual receives over a 2 year aeon disconnected by the amount of analysis affidavit and reviews appear in that journal. It is acceptable bright that as the accurate actual becomes accessible for chargeless download in the Web 2.0 era with Open Access Journals bustling up everywhere, and appropriately become searchable through Google our acumen of commodity acceptance will change as a aftereffect of the afresh appropriate Page Rankled and not the IF alone. I am absolutely abiding that a new anarchy in the annual and commodity allocation industry has already started. Now we just charge to seek our online writing application Google and see how accepted they are absolute in which annual they were appear in…

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